Circular Saws in Solid Carbide - Frese e Seghe Circolari in metallo duro integrale
AF.AR produzione, rettifica frese e seghe circolari
Cutters and circular saws in solid carbide
AF.AR produzione, rettifica frese e seghe circolari
AF.AR produzione, rettifica frese e seghe circolari
AF.AR produzione, rettifica frese e seghe circolari
AF.AR produzione, rettifica frese e seghe circolari

AF.AR Production circular saws in solid carbide

AMB International Exhibition for Metal Working

We will be present at AMB Meeting point for the industry located in the heart of Europe in HALL3 E77 where, together with exhibitors from all over the world, we will once again propose our productive capacity and innovative strength.

Why choose AF.AR

Our philosophy

Our customers


Why choose AF.AR

With over 35 years' experience in the production of circular saws and cutters we have handled every type of process, from the simplest to the most complex. We work closely with our customers to ascertain their real needs and produce the best result at the lowest possible cost.

Our philosophy

We recognise the importance of synergy with our partners and together we seek the constant improvement of products and processes. We work to improve the quality of our products in close cooperation with customers and suppliers to achieve further success together.

Our customers

We sell and provide assistance to wholesalers and retailers - in Italy and abroad - specialising in the various production sectors. Among the most interesting are electric manifolds, textile machinery, mechanical, electromechanical, keys, plastics and composites, and printed circuit boards.

Areas of application

Our products are designed for precision cutting and shaping by stock removal.

Do not Be Afraid of the Dark, it will help you find the light.

Neale Donald Walsch
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